Three-Letter Carnival is an activity in Bailey's Book House and Edmark's Millie & Bailey Kindergarten. It is also a Brain Bytes game as Reading Roller Coaster. It is designed to teach phonics and spelling of three letters.
- A (Middle letter in Bag, Bat (Animal), Bat (Object), Car, Cat, Ham, Hat, Hay, Jam, Jay, Mat, Rag, Ram, and Rat)
- B (Beginning letter in Bag, Bat (Animal), Bat (Object), Box, Boy, and Bug; ending letter in Cub, Sub, and Tub)
- C (Beginning letter only, in Car, Cat, Cod, Cow, Cub, and Cup)
- D (Beginning letter in Dog; ending letter in Cod, Pod, Rod, and Sod)
- E (Middle letter in Hen and Pen; ending letter in Hoe, but it's silent)
- F (Fox only; beginning letter only; name in Explore and Discover mode only and sound in both modes, but only in the Rhyming Coaster)
- G (Ending letter only, in Bag, Bug, Dog, Jug, Log, Mug, Pig, Rag, and Rug)
- H (Beginning letter only, in Ham, Hat, Hay, Hen, Hoe)
- I (Middle letter in just Pig)
- J (Beginning letter only, in Jam, Jay, and Jug)
- L (Log only; beginning letter only; name in Explore and Discover mode only and sound in both modes, but only in the Rhyming Coaster)
- M (Name in Explore and Discover mode only and sound in both modes, but only in the Rhyming Coaster; beginning letter in Mat and Mug; ending letter in Ham, Jam, and Ram)
- N (Ending letter only, in Hen and Pen)
- O (Middle letter in Box, Boy, Cod, Cow, Dog, Fox, Hoe, Log, Pod, Rod, and Sod)
- P (Beginning letter in Pig and Pup; ending letter in just Pup)
- R (Beginning letter in Rag, Ram, Rat, Rod, and Rug; ending letter in just Car)
- S (Beginning letter only, in Sod and Sub; name in Explore and Discover mode only and sound in both modes, but only in the Rhyming Coaster)
- T (Name in Explore and Discover mode only and sound in both modes, but only in the Rhyming Coaster; beginning letter in just Tub; ending letter in Bat (Animal), Bat (Object), Cat, Hat, Mat, and Rat)
- U (Middle letter in Bug, Cub, Cup, Jug, Mug, Pup, Rug, Sub, and Tub)
- W (Cow only; ending letter only; sound in Explore and Discover mode only and name in both modes, but only in First-Letter Mountain)
- X (Ending letter only, in Box and Fox)
- Y (Ending letter only, in Boy, Hay, and Jay)
- bag
- bat (Animal)
- bat (Object)
- box
- boy
- bug
- car
- cat
- cod
- cow
- cub
- cup
- dog
- fox
- ham
- hat
- hay
- hen
- hoe
- jam
- jay
- jug
- log
- mat
- mug
- pen
- pig
- pod
- pup
- rag
- ram
- rat
- rod
- rug
- sod
- sub
- tub
- bat (Both jobs on both rides)
- bug (Both jobs on First-Letter Mountain; just a driver on both rides; just a passenger on just First-Letter Mountain)
- cat (Both jobs on both rides)
- cod (Both jobs on First-Letter Mountain; just a driver on both rides; just a passenger on just First-Letter Mountain)
- cow (Both jobs on First-Letter Mountain)
- cub (Both jobs on First-Letter Mountain; just a driver on both rides; just a passenger on just First-Letter Mountain)
- dog (Just a driver on just the Rhyming Coaster)
- fox (Just a driver on just the Rhyming Coaster)
- hen (Just a driver on both rides)
- jay (Just a driver on both rides)
- pig (Both jobs on just First-Letter Mountain)
- pup (Both jobs on First-Letter Mountain; just a driver on both rides; just a passenger on just First-Letter Mountain)
- ram (Both jobs on First-Letter Mountain; just a driver on both rides; just a passenger on just First-Letter Mountain)
- rat (Both jobs on both rides)
Animals (Just drivers)[]
- bat (Both rides)
- bug (Both rides)
- cat (Both rides)
- cod (Both rides)
- cow (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cub (Both rides)
- dog (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- fox (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- hen (Both rides)
- jay (Both rides)
- pig (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- pup (Both rides)
- ram (Both rides)
- rat (Both rides)
Animals (Just passengers)[]
- bat (Animal; both rides)
- bug (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cat (Both rides)
- cod (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cow (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cub (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- pig (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- pup (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- ram (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- rat (Both rides)
Animals (Both jobs)[]
- bat (Animal; both rides)
- bug (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cat (Both rides)
- cod (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cow (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cub (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- pig (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- pup (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- ram (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- rat (Both rides)
B- Animals[]
- bat
- bug
C- Animals[]
- cat
- cod
- cow
- cub
D- Animal (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- dog
F- Animal (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- fox
H- Animal[]
- hen
J- Animal[]
- jay
P- Animals[]
- pig
- pup
R- Animals[]
- ram
- rat
-am Animal[]
- ram
-at Animals[]
- bat
- cat
- rat
-ay Animal[]
- jay
-en Animal[]
- hen
-ig Animal (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- pig
-od Animal[]
- cod
-og Animal[]
- dog
-ow Animal (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- cow
-ox Animal[]
- fox
-ub Animal[]
- cub
-ug Animal[]
- bug
-up Animal[]
- pup
Objects (Passengers only)[]
- bag (Just First-Letter Mountain, not the Rhyming Coaster)
- bat (Both rides)
- box (Both rides)
- boy (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- car (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cup (Both rides)
- ham (Both rides)
- hat (Both rides)
- hay (Both rides)
- hoe (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- jam (Both rides)
- jug (Both rides)
- log (Rhyming Coaster only)
- mat (Just the Rhyming Coaster, not First-Letter Mountain)
- mug (Just the Rhyming Coaster, not First-Letter Mountain)
- pen (Both rides)
- pod (Both rides)
- rag (Just First-Letter Mountain, not the Rhyming Coaster)
- rod (Both rides)
- rug (Both rides)
- sod (Just Rhyming Coaster, not First-Letter Mountain)
- sub (Just the Rhyming Coaster, not First-Letter Mountain)
- tub (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
B- Objects[]
- bag
- bat
- box
- boy
C- Objects[]
- car
- cup
H- Objects[]
- ham
- hat
- hay
- hoe
J- Objects[]
- jam
- jug
L- Object (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- log
M- Objects (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- mat
- mug
P- Objects[]
- pen
- pod
R- Objects[]
- rag
- rod
- rug
S- Objects (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- sod
- sub
T- Object (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- tub
-ag Objects (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- bag
- rag
-ar Object (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- car
-at Objects[]
- bat
- hat
- mat
-ay Object[]
- hay
-en Object[]
- pen
-od Objects[]
- pod
- rod
- sod
-og Object[]
- log
-ox Object[]
- box
-oy Object (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- boy
-ub Objects[]
- sub
- tub
-up Object[]
- cup
B- Words (Only 4 are exact)[]
- bag
- bat (Animal)
- bat (Object)
- box
- boy
- bug
C- Words (Only 4 are exact)[]
- car
- cat
- cod
- cow
- cub
- cup
D- Word (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- dog
F- Word (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- fox
H- Words (Only 4 are exact)[]
- ham
- hat
- hay
- hen
- hoe
J- Words[]
- jam
- jay
- jug
L- Word (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- log
M- Words (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- mat
- mug
P- Words[]
- pen
- pig
- pod
- pup
R- Words (Only 4 are exact)[]
- rag
- ram
- rat
- rod
- rug
S- Words (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- sod
- sub
T- Word (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- tub
Words with A in the Middle[]
- bag
- bat (Animal)
- bat (Object)
- car
- cat
- ham
- hat
- hay
- jam
- jay
- mat
- ram
- rat
Words with E in the Middle[]
- hen
- pen
Word with I in the Middle[]
- pig
Words with O in the Middle[]
- box
- boy
- cod
- cow
- dog
- fox
- log
- pod
- rod
- sod
Words with U in the Middle[]
- bug
- cub
- jug
- mug
- rug
- sub
- tub
Words Ending with B[]
- cub
- sub
- tub
Words Ending with D[]
- cod
- pod
- rod
- sod
Word Ending with E[]
- hoe
Words Ending with G[]
- bag
- bug
- dog
- jug
- log
- mug
- pig
- rag
- rug
Words Ending with M[]
- ham
- jam
- ram
Words Ending with N[]
- hen
- pen
Words Ending with P[]
- cup
- pup
Word Ending with R[]
- car
Words Ending with T[]
- bat (Animal)
- bat (Object)
- cat
- rat
Word Ending with W[]
- cow
Words Ending with X[]
- box
- fox
Words Ending with Y[]
- boy
- hay
- jay
-ag Words (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- bag
- rag
-ar Word (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- car
-at Words (Only 4 are exact)[]
- bat (Animal)
- bat (Object)
- cat
- hat
- mat
- rat
-ay Words[]
- hay
- jay
-en Words[]
- hen
- pen
-ig Word (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- pig
-od Words[]
- cod
- pod
- rod
- sod
-oe Word (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- hoe
-og Words[]
- dog
- log
-ow Word (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- cow
-ox Words[]
- box
- fox
-oy Word (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- boy
-ub Words[]
- cub
- sub
- tub
-ug Words[]
- bug
- jug
- mug
- rug
-up Words[]
- cup
- pup
Rhyming Words[]
- bag, rag (Not used)
- bat (Animal; first, second, third, or last), bat (Object; just second, third, or last, not first), cat (First, second, third, or last), hat (Just second, third, or last, not first), mat (Just second, third, or last, not first), rat (First, second, third, or last)
- box (Just last), fox (Just first)
- bug (Just first), jug (Just second, third, or last, not first), mug (Just second, third, or last, not first), rug (Just second, third, or last, not first)
- cod (Just first), pod (Just second, third, or last, not first), rod (Just second, third, or last, not first), sod (Just second, third, or last, not first)
- cub (Just first), sub (Just second or last, not first), tub (Just second or last, not first)
- cup (Just last), pup (Just first)
- dog (Just first), log (Just last)
- ham (Just second or last, not first), jam (Just second or last, not first), ram (Just first)
- hay (Just last), jay (Just first)
- hen (Just first), pen (Just last)
First-Letter Words[]
- B: bag (Just second, third, or last, not first), bat (Animal; first, second, third, or last), bat (Object; just second, third, or last, not first), box (Just second, third, or last, not first), boy (Just second, third, or last, not first), bug (First, second, third, or last)
- C: car (Just second, third, or last, not first), cat (First, second, third, or last), cod (First, second, third, or last), cow (First, second, third, or last), cub (First, second, third, or last), cup (Just second, third, or last, not first)
- D: dog (Not used)
- F: fox (Not used)
- H: ham (Just second, third, or last, not first), hat (Just second, third, or last, not first), hay (Just second, third, or last, not first), hen (Just first), hoe (Just second, third, or last, not first)
- J: jam (Just second or last, not first), jay (Just first), jug (Just second or last, not first)
- L: log (Not used)
- M: mat, mug (Not used)
- P: pen (Just second, third, or last, not first), pig (First, second, third, or last), pod (Just second, third, or last, not first), pup (First, second, third, or last)
- R: rag (Just second, third, or last, not first), ram (First, second, third, or last), rat (First, second, third, or last), rod (Just second, third, or last, not first), rug (Just second, third, or last, not first)
- S: sod, sub (Not used)
- T: tub (Not used)
Words that rhyme with Bat (Animal; only 3 are exact)[]
- bat (Object)
- cat
- hat
- mat
- rat
Words that rhyme with Bug[]
- jug
- mug
- rug
Words that rhyme with Cat (Only 3 are exact)[]
- bat (Animal)
- bat (Object)
- hat
- mat
- rat
Words that rhyme with Cod[]
- pod
- rod
- sod
Words that rhyme with Cub[]
- sub
- tub
Word that rhymes with Dog[]
- log
Word that rhymes with Fox[]
- box
Word that rhymes with Hen[]
- pen
Word that rhymes with Jay[]
- hay
Word that rhymes with Pup[]
- cup
Words that rhyme with Ram[]
- ham
- jam
Words that rhyme with Rat (Only 3 are exact)[]
- bat (Animal)
- bat (Object)
- cat
- hat
- mat
Words that begin with the letter B (the same letter as Bat or Bug; only 3 are exact)[]
- bag
- bat (Object)
- box
- boy
Words that begin with the letter C (The same letter as Cat, Cod, Cow, or Cub; only 3 are exact)[]
- car
- cup
Words that begin with the letter H (The same letter as Hen; only 3 are exact)[]
- ham
- hat
- hay
- hoe
Words that begin with the letter J (The same letter as Jay)[]
- jam
- jay
Words that begin with the letter P (The same letter as Pig or Pup)[]
- pen
- pod
Words that begin with the letter R (The same letter as Ram or Rat; only 3 are exact)[]
- rag
- rod
- rug
Drivers (Animals only)[]
- bat (Both rides)
- bug (Both rides)
- cat (Both rides)
- cod (Both rides)
- cow (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cub (Both rides)
- dog (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- fox (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- hen (Both rides)
- jay (Both rides)
- pig (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- pup (Both rides)
- ram (Both rides)
- rat (Both rides)
B- Drivers (Only 1 is exact)[]
- bat (Animal)
- bug
C- Drivers (Only 1 is exact)[]
- cat
- cod
- cow
- cub
D- Driver (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- dog
F- Driver (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- fox
H- Driver[]
- hen
J- Driver[]
- jay
P- Drivers (Only 1 is exact)[]
- pig
- pup
R- Drivers (Only 1 is exact)[]
- ram
- rat
-am Driver[]
- ram
-at Drivers (Only 1 is exact)[]
- bat (Animal)
- cat
- rat
-ay Driver[]
- jay
-en Driver[]
- hen
-od Driver[]
- cod
-og Driver[]
- dog
-ox Driver[]
- fox
-ub Driver[]
- cub
-up Driver[]
- pup
Drivers (Just the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- bat (Animal)
- bug
- cat
- cod
- cub
- dog
- fox
- hen
- jay
- pup
- ram
- rat
Drivers (Just First-Letter Mountain)[]
- bat (Animal)
- bug
- cat
- cod
- cow
- cub
- hen
- jay
- pig
- pup
- ram
- rat
Drivers (Both rides)[]
- bat (Animal)
- bug
- cat
- cod
- cub
- hen
- jay
- pup
- ram
- rat
Bag's Drivers[]
- bat (Animal; just First-Letter Mountain)
- bug (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Bat's Drivers (as an Animal)[]
- cat (Both rides)
- rat (Both rides)
- bug (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Bat's Drivers (as an Object)[]
- bat (Animal; both rides)
- cat (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- rat (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- bug (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Box's Drivers[]
- bat (Animal; just First-Letter Mountain)
- bug (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- fox (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
Boy's Drivers[]
- bat (Animal; just First-Letter Mountain)
- bug (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Bug's Driver[]
- bat (Animal; just First-Letter Mountain)
Car's Drivers[]
- cat (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cod (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cow (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cub (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Cat's Drivers[]
- bat (Animal; just the Rhyming Coaster)
- cod (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cow (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cub (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- rat (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
Cod's Drivers[]
- cat (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cow (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cub (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Cow's Drivers[]
- cat (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cod (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cub (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Cub's Drivers[]
- cat (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cod (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cow (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Cup's Drivers[]
- cat (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cod (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cow (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cub (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- pup (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
Ham's Drivers[]
- hen (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- ram (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
Hat's Drivers[]
- bat (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- cat (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- hen (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- rat (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
Hay's Drivers[]
- hen (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- jay (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
Hoe's Driver[]
- hen (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Jam's Drivers[]
- jay (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- ram (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
Jug's Drivers[]
- bug (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- jay (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Log's Driver[]
- dog (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
Mat's Drivers[]
- bat (Animal; just the Rhyming Coaster)
- cat (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- rat (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
Mug's Driver[]
- bug (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
Pen's Drivers[]
- hen (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- pig (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- pup (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Pig's Driver[]
- pup (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Pod's Drivers[]
- cod (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- pig (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- pup (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Pup's Driver[]
- pig (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Rag's Drivers[]
- ram (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- rat (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Ram's Drivers[]
- rat (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Rat's Drivers[]
- bat (Animal; just the Rhyming Coaster)
- cat (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- ram (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Rod's Drivers[]
- cod (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- ram (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- rat (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Rug's Drivers[]
- bug (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- ram (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- rat (Just First-Letter Mountain)
Sod's Drivers[]
- cod (Rhyming Coaster)
Sub's Drivers[]
- cub (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
Tub's Drivers[]
- cub (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- bag (Just First-Letter Mountain, not the Rhyming Coaster)
- bat (Animal; Both rides)
- bat (Object; Both rides)
- box (Both rides)
- boy (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- bug (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- car (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cat (Both rides)
- cod (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cow (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cub (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- cup (Both rides)
- ham (Both rides)
- hat (Both rides)
- hay (Both rides)
- hoe (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- jam (Both rides)
- jug (Both rides)
- log (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
- mat (Just the Rhyming Coaster, not First-Letter Mountain)
- mug (Just the Rhyming Coaster, not First-Letter Mountain)
- pen (Both rides)
- pig (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- pod (Both rides)
- pup (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- rag (Just First-Letter Mountain, not Rhyming Coaster)
- ram (Just First-Letter Mountain)
- rat (Both rides)
- rod (Both rides)
- rug (Both rides)
- sod (Just the Rhyming Coaster, not First-Letter Mountain)
- sub (Just the Rhyming Coaster, not First-Letter Mountain)
- tub (Just the Rhyming Coaster)
B- Passengers (Animals)[]
- bat
- bug
B- Passengers (Objects)[]
- bag
- bat
- box
- boy
C- Passengers (Animals)[]
- cat
- cod
- cow
- cub
C- Passengers (Objects)[]
- car
- cup
H- Passengers[]
- ham
- hat
- hay
- hoe
J- Passengers[]
- jam
- jug
L- Passenger (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- log
M- Passengers (Used in just the Rhyming Coaster, not First-Letter Mountain)[]
- mat
- mug
P- Passengers (Animals)[]
- pig
- pup
P- Passengers (Objects)[]
- pen
- pod
R- Passengers (Animals)[]
- ram
- rat
R- Passengers (Objects)[]
- rag
- rod
- rug
S- Passengers (Used in just the Rhyming Coaster, not First-Letter Mountain)[]
- sod
- sub
T- Passenger (Not used in First-Letter Mountain)[]
- tub
-ag Passengers (Used in just First-Letter Mountain, not the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- bag
- rag
-ar Passenger (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- car
-at Passengers (Animals)[]
- bat
- cat
- rat
-at Passengers (Objects)[]
- bat
- hat
- mat
-ay Passenger[]
- hay
-en Passenger[]
- pen
-od Passengers[]
- pod
- rod
- sod
-oe Passenger (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- hoe
-ow Passenger (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- cow
-ox Passenger[]
- box
-oy Passenger (Not used in the Rhyming Coaster)[]
- boy
-ub Passengers[]
- sub
- tub
-ug Passengers[]
- jug
- mug
- rug
-up Passenger[]
- cup
Passengers (Rhyming Coaster)[]
- bat (Animal)
- bat (Object)
- box
- cat
- cup
- ham
- hat
- hay
- jam
- jug
- mat
- mug
- pen
- pod
- rat
- rod
- rug
- sod
- sub
- tub
Passengers (First-Letter Mountain)[]
- bag
- bat (Animal)
- bat (Object)
- box
- boy
- bug
- car
- cat
- cod
- cow
- cub
- cup
- ham
- hat
- hay
- hoe
- jam
- jug
- pen
- pig
- pod
- pup
- rag
- ram
- rat
- rod
- rug
Passengers (Both rides)[]
- bat (Animal)
- bat (Object)
- box
- cat
- cup
- ham
- hat
- hay
- jam
- jug
- pen
- pod
- rat
- rod
- rug
Bat's Passengers (Only 3 are exact on both rides)[]
- bag (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle-letter ride)
- bat (Object; both rides and the unused middle-letter ride)
- box (First-Letter Mountain only)
- boy (First-Letter Mountain only)
- bug (First-Letter Mountain only)
- car (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- cat (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- ham (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle-letter ride)
- hat (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- hay (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- jam (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- jay (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- mat (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- rag (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- ram (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- rat (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
Bug's Passengers (Only 3 are exact on First-Letter Mountain)[]
- bag (First-Letter Mountain and the unused last-letter ride)
- bat (Animal; First-Letter Mountain only)
- bat (Object; First-Letter Mountain only)
- box (First-Letter Mountain only)
- boy (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cup (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- dog (for the unused last-letter ride)
- jug (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- log (for the unused last-letter ride)
- mug (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- pig (for the unused last-letter ride)
- pup (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- rag (for the unused last-letter ride)
- rug (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- sub (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- tub (for the unused middle-letter ride)
Cat's Passengers (Only 3 are exact on both rides)[]
- bag (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- bat (Animal; Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- bat (Object; Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- car (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle-letter ride)
- cod (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cow (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cub (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cup (First-Letter Mountain only)
- ham (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- hat (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- hay (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- jam (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- jay (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- mat (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- rag (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- ram (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- rat (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle-letter ride)
Cod's Passengers (Only 3 are exact on First-Letter Mountain)[]
- box (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- boy (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- car (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cat (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cow (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle-letter ride)
- cub (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cup (First-Letter Mountain only)
- dog (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- fox (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- hoe (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- log (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- pod (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- rod (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- sod (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
Cow's Passengers (Only 3 are exact on First-Letter Mountain)[]
- box (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- boy (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- car (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cat (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cod (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle letter-ride)
- cub (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cup (First-Letter Mountain only)
- dog (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- fox (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- hoe (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- log (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- pod (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- rod (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- sod (for the unused middle-letter ride)
Cub's Passengers (Only 3 are exact on First-Letter Mountain)[]
- bug (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- car (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cat (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cod (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cow (First-Letter Mountain only)
- cup (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle-letter ride)
- jug (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- mug (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- pup (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- rug (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- sub (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- tub (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
Dog's Passengers[]
- bag (for the unused last-letter ride)
- bug (for the unused last-letter ride)
- cod (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- cow (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- fox (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- hoe (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- jug (for the unused last-letter ride)
- log (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- mug (for the unused last-letter ride)
- pig (for the unused last-letter ride)
- rag (for the unused last-letter ride)
- rug (for the unused last-letter ride)
Fox's Passengers[]
- box (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- boy (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- cod (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- cow (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- dog (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- hoe (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- log (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- pod (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- rod (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- sod (for the unused middle-letter ride)
Hen's Passengers (Only 3 are exact on First-Letter Mountain)[]
- ham (First-Letter Mountain only)
- hat (First-Letter Mountain only)
- hay (First-Letter Mountain only)
- hoe (First-Letter Mountain only)
- pen (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
Jay's Passengers[]
- bag (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- bat (Animal; for the unused middle-letter ride)
- bat (Object; for the unused middle-letter ride)
- boy (for the unused last-letter ride)
- car (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- cat (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- ham (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- hat (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- hay (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- jam (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle-letter ride)
- jug (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle-letter ride)
- mat (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle-letter ride)
- rag (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- ram (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- rat (for the unused middle-letter ride)
Pig's Passengers[]
- bag (for the unused last-letter ride)
- bug (for the unused last-letter ride)
- dog (for the unused last-letter ride)
- jug (for the unused last-letter ride)
- log (for the unused last-letter ride)
- mug (for the unused last-letter ride)
- pen (First-Letter Mountain only)
- pod (First-Letter Mountain only)
- pup (First-Letter Mountain only)
- rag (for the unused last-letter ride)
- rug (for the unused last-letter ride)
Pup's Passengers[]
- bug (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- cup (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- jug (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- mug (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- pen (First-Letter Mountain only)
- pig (First-Letter Mountain only)
- pod (First-Letter Mountain only)
- rug (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- sub (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- tub (for the unused middle-letter ride)
Ram's Passengers (Only 3 are exact on First-Letter Mountain)[]
- bag (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- bat (Animal; for the unused middle-letter ride)
- bat (Object; for the unused middle-letter ride)
- car (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- cat (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- ham (Rhyming Coaster and the unused last-letter ride)
- hat (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- hay (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- jam (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- jay (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- mat (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- rag (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle-letter ride)
- rat (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle-letter ride)
- rod (First-Letter Mountain only)
- rug (First-Letter Mountain only)
Rat's Passengers (Only 3 are exact on both rides)[]
- bag (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- bat (Animal; Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- bat (Object; Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- cat (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- ham (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- hat (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- hay (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- jam (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- jay (for the unused middle-letter ride)
- mat (Rhyming Coaster and the unused middle and last-letter rides)
- rag (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle-letter ride)
- ram (First-Letter Mountain and the unused middle-letter ride)
- rod (First-Letter Mountain only)
- rug (First-Letter Mountain only)
First-Letter Mountain Tunnel Colors[]
- red
- orange
- yellow
- green
- blue (when turned off)
- purple
Activity Modes[]
- Grouping animals and objects by words that rhyme.
- Grouping animals and objects by words that begin with the same letter.
- Click anything on the grass to read and spell the word.
Help Lines[]
- Rhyming Coaster: Fill all the cars and watch them go.
- First-Letter Mountain: Fill all the cars to start the ride.
- In the Rhyming Coaster, the voice box only says two different blends, but in First-Letter Mountain, she only says three letter names by spelling words out.
- The letter "W" only appears in the word "cow", but only at the end.
- The voice box says, "B-AG", "C-AR", "C-OW", "D-O-G", "F-O-X", "H-OE", "L-O-G", "M-A-T", "M-U-G", "P-IG", "R-AG", "S-O-D", "S-U-B", and "T-U-B", but only in Explore and Discover mode.
- In First-Letter Mountain, after Millie says, "that begins with…", she only says, "…the letter B/C/H/J/P/R.", not "…the same letter as Bat/Bug/Cat/Cod/Cow/Cub/Hen/Jay/Pig/Pup/Ram/Rat.".
- In Question and Answer mode, there are two buttons: one which is for rhyming words in purple triangle-nose-coned cars and the other which is for initial words in green circle-nose-coned cars.
- This activity includes rhyming words and words with beginning sounds, not ending sounds.
- When the cars speed away down the track and Millie waves goodbye, the female voice box does not say one word seven times. She only says two words six times, three words five times, and four words four times, not even five words three times, six words two times, nor seven words one time because that would be too much space. Afterwards, the certain animal lets out its yell during a certain ride.
- Before Millie says, "hay", "jam", and "sod", she only says, "That is…" without saying the word "…a…", but only when wrong answers are clicked on.
- In Explore and Discover mode, there are twelve things on the grass to choose from.